Neolife is a company that is unparalleled when it comes to quality.


Quality of Neolife Products


Backed and Approved by Science

Quality is Neolife’s highest priority, and it is the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) that sets the quality standards and expectations for all Neolife products and the ingredients that go into them. Everything that goes into each Neolife product – every supplier and all raw material ingredients – must qualify before they can be used by meeting our strict demands for purity, potency, consistency, origin and other critical quality factors.

The SAB was established in 1976 by Dr. Arthur Furst who was internationally regarded as a pioneer in toxicology and cancer research. He created the board to ensure that each product was the best quality available and all nutritionals are bioavailable. Members of our Scientific Advisory Board actively conduct leading-edge research and are regularly published in prestigious scientific journals.

How Neolife Ensures Quality in Every Product:


Where something grows, how it grows, even the seed stock from which it is grown can be important determiners of quality.

Beyond Organic and GMO-Free

Neolife’s standards demand that only raw ingredient sources meeting strict qualifications and highest standards are selected. Fields in the least disturbed and most natural environments available are chosen ensuring pristine soil and the best growing environment. These specifications allow Neolife to assure that all the whole food concentrates and extracts are beyond organic and GMO-free.

Field Crop Monitoring

Crops are monitored and assessed even before they are harvested. This assures the very highest quality at the outset and also allows Neolife to precisely track crop lots. Early monitoring is performed on fruits, vegetables and grains and all other materials used for Neolife products.

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Harvesting to Optimize Nutrition

Neolife’s qualified ingredient suppliers carefully select the very best time of the year to harvest crops in order to ensure both quality and the highest nutrient content. Once harvested the bounty is continually analyzed for nutrient content and quality leading up to processing.

Purest Nutrient Extraction & Concentration

How a crop is processed is another key determiner of quality. That is why only state of the art equipment is used that guarantees the purest extractions and concentrates with an absolute minimum of processed alteration.

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Purity & Potency Verification

Purity and potency are crucial to maintaining quality. All ingredients are ensured to be contaminant free and held under strict quarantine and cannot be released for use until laboratory tests for purity and potency are verified.

Socially Responsible Manufacturing

Once the raw materials are processed to our specifications, they are delivered to only socially responsible manufacturing facilities. These facilities are routinely audited to ensure that they are operating in a manner that guarantees the highest quality manufacturing with the lowest environmental burden. State of the art equipment combines various raw materials into different forms with maximum efficiency guaranteeing consistency from batch to batch.

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Quality Control & Laboratory Analysis

Leading edge science continues to define Neolife’s Quality Control System. All final products are tested and certified by the most reliable and validated scientific methods to ensure safety, quality and effectiveness. These methods are very important, but more importantly are the highly trained and skilled scientists that perform them that ensures that all of our quality standards for purity and potency are met.

Ongoing inspection and sample retention guarantee a future of quality. Meticulous inspection continues on the packaging line, and production samples are collected and retained to facilitate future tracking.

Each Neolife product is the end result of top quality work by leading scientists, researchers and nutrition professionals – work that is based in state of the art technology and manufacturing and the very latest in science.

Product Delivery & Batch Tracking

Even after Neolife products are delivered to your door, batch numbers on every label allow us to answer your questions on ingredients or quality. The batch number that appears on every single Neolife product acts as a window into the system that allows us to track every ingredient from its point of origin to its ultimate destination.

This batch numbering system is very important and highly documented so that Neolife has full traceability forward – to the ultimate product destination, your home – and backward to the exact source of every ingredient. When a crop lot is first planted, the seeds themselves have a seed lot number assigned that ties to the origin and the quality testing performed. The growing crop itself is assigned a crop lot number which identifies where it is grown, how it was grown and how and when harvested along with all analytical, quality testing results.

When the crop lot arrives for further processing, extraction or concentration, another processed ingredient lot number is assigned which aides in tracking the material through the supply chain and tying in all quality tests related to the processing. Upon arrival at one of our manufacturing facilities, ingredients are assigned yet another lot number which identifies arrival dates, testing results and release for manufacturing dates.

When ingredients are combined into a finished product, that batch of product is assigned a unique batch number which identifies all of the specific ingredient lots that went into producing that particular batch. This is an important code number that allows Neolife to identify every ingredient lot that went into the product as well as how the product was manufactured and every quality test performed on the production batch. Ultimately, when the batch of product is packaged, it is assigned a packaging batch number which appears on our product labels. This is the very important code number that allows Neolife to trace every product forward to your home and every product ingredient backward throughout the entire supply chain to the very origin of every single raw material – Farm to Table.

Neolife’s intricately developed batch numbering system yields a charted pathway from the Farm to the Table and guarantees you and your family the finest purity and potency and highest quality products available anywhere.

Quality is Proven Effective

 Clinical studies proving the effectiveness of Neolife products have been published in some of the world’s most prestigious scientific journals.

Neolife’s products can be trusted to be the best in the nutritional industry.

Join the Neolife Family:

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